Friday, January 4, 2013

One for the climate change deniers

Today, Hobart had its hottest day on record today and Tasmania is ablaze. This picture is from the Australian ABC web site.

Smoke from a bushfire near Forcett

I work with a number of recent graduates mainly from engineering disciplines. They all refuse to believe that climate change is happening and would like to convince me that weather patterns are cyclical (something to do with sun spots) and that we are currently going through the hot part of the cycle. When I ask them if that means the disputed island between India and Bangla Desh that disappeared in 2010 will soon reappear they don't have an answer. You can read about the disappearing island here:

If young people don't believe that climate change is happening then what hope is there for the future?
It will be interesting to see how many more records are broken this year.

It's nice to see the people cooling off on the beach in the 41 degrees heat.

And the band played on.

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